brit 001 french ger  




If you have any troubles with game registration or general questions e-mail: 

Game Records Keeper Scott Ludwig

Last Updated: November 12, 2007

Previous Years


Single player-Games

End of the game:

Start of the game:

Battle / Scenario

Rules of the battle:

Challenger / Side:

Opponent / Side:

Great Victory:

Minor Victory:


Minor Defeat:

Major Defeat:

Kapitu- lation:

Winner / Side:

Pts. / Staff-Pts. Winner:

Pts. / Staff-Pts. Looser:

01.13.2007 07.11.2006 Waterloo /Quatre Bras No Rules Maarten Rog / Allied Patric Strijbis / French French       Allied   French 61.5 / 1 44.4 / 1
01.13.2007 21.08.2006 BGW / Ultimate Waterloo by John Miller Historic John Miller / French Phil Chimara / Allied     X       - 28.6 / 3 28.6 / 3
01.13.2007 14.02.2005 NIA / Eylau - 3 days historisch Garret Fitzgerald  / Franzosen Patric Stribis / Russen Russian       French   P. Strijbis 127.5 / 2 97.2 / 2
01.13.2007 27.10.2006 Wat / Quatre Bras v1 Advanced Jürg Schulthess / Allied Lino Paupério / French French       Allied   L. Pauperio 61.5 / 2 44.4 / 2



Eag/ agle.scn

Advanced Rick Motko / FrenchAdvanced Andy "Big Balls" Barnes / Allied French       Allied X R. Motko 6/2 6 / 2
01.13.2007 06.06.2006 Wat / Waterloo Large Unfixed Advanced Raymond Bursch / French Jim Hall / Allied Allied       French X J. Hall 213 / 2 165.6 / 2
01.13.2007 06.06.2006 Wat / Waterloo Campaign 3rd Battle Advanced Raymond Bursch / French Jim Hall / Allied Allied       French X J. Hall 63 / 2 45.6 / 2
01.13.2007 21.08.2006 Eck / Sacile Reverse Sides Advanced Michael Hoener / French Steve Kitchen / Austrians     X       - 45.5 / 2 45.5 / 2
01.13.2007 25.01.2006 Wat / Large Campaign 1st Battle A2_F1 Advanced Steve Kitchen / Allied Sam Dodson / French Allied       French   S. Kitchen 195 / 2 151.2 / 2
01.13.2007 24.08.2006 PTW / Ligny Historic Michael Hödl / Prussians Colin Park / French French       Prussian   C. Park 37.5 / 2 25.2 / 2
01.13.2007 25.01.2004 NIR / Kutusov turns to fight fortgeschr. Stefan Brandl / Franzosen Michael Hoener / Russen French       Russian   M. Hoener 79.5 / 3 58.8 / 3
01.26.2007 17.07.2006 Liep / Avance sur Berlin August 1813 Advanced Glyn Hargreaves / Allied Juerg Schulthess / French French       Allied   J. Schulthess 6 / 2  2 / 2
01.26.2007 20.04.2006 NRC / Saltnovka Advanced Dale Lastowicka / Russians Patric Strijbis / French   French   Russian     P. Strijbis 4 / 2  4 / 2
01.28.2007 21.08.2006 Eck / Teugn Hausen Advanced Juerg Schulthess / French Mark Oakford / Austrians French       Austrians   J. Schulthess 37.5 / 2 25.2 / 2
01.28.2007 21.08.2006 Eck / Eckmuhl Historic Phil Chimara / French George Cartiglia / Austrians French       Austrians   P. Chimara  52.5 / 3 37.2 / 3
01.28.2007 20.04.2006 NIR / La Mère de toutes Batailles Advanced Scott Ludwig / French JP Dasseville / Russians Russians       French   JP Dasseville 18 / 2 9.6 / 2
01.28.2007 22.05.2006 Wag / Aspern-Essling Historic Scott Ludwig / Austrians Clifton Seeney / French French       Austrian   C. Seeney 37.5 / 2 25.2 / 2
01.28.2007 22.05.2006 PTW / Quatre Bras Advanced John Mitchell / French Alan Hartwick / Allied French       Allied   J. Mitchell 61.5 / 2 44.4 / 2
02.09.2007 06.02.07 Wat / Waterloo 037 Historical Historic Colin Park / French Ian Conway / English French       Allied X C. Park 31.5 / 3 -
02.09.2007 24.08.2006 PTW / Ligny Historic Michael Hödl / Prussians Colin Park / French French       Prussian   C. Park 64.5 / 3 46.8 / 3
02.09.2007 23.11.06 NRC / The Battle of Maloyaroslavets The Final Chance Advanced Al Kling / French Juerg Schulthess / Russian Russian       French   J. Schulthess 70.5 / 2 42 / 2
02.09.2007 19.12.06 NRC / SB Saltanovka Advanced MJ Ellwood / French Alan Hartwick / Russians     X       - 50.7 / 3 50.7 / 3
02.09.2007 07.11.2006 NRC / Lubnia Advanced Steve Kitchen / Russian Mark Oakford /French   French   Russian     M. Oakford 30.8 / 2 25 / 2
02.09.2007 18.12.06 NRC / Battle of Vyazma, November 3, 1812 Historic Michael Fredel French Juerg Schulthess / Russians French       Russians   M. Fredel 67.5 / 3 49.2 / 3
02.09.2007 09.02.07 Wat / Skrimiser at Mons No Rules Maarten Rog / Allied Steve Kitchen / French French       Allied   S. Kitchen 37.5 / 2 25.2 / 2
02.09.2007 05.09.2006 Wat / 002 Braine le Comte v2 Historic George Cartiglia / Allied Garret Fitzgerald / French French       Allied   G. Fitzgerald 84 / 3 62.4 / 3
02.09.2007 27.05.2005 NIA / Leipzig historisch John Kester / Alliierte Thomas Huberth / Franzosen  French       Allied   T. Huberth 327.6 / 3 290 / 3
02.09.2007 15.01.07 Wag / 11H Davout's Assault on the Russbach Historic Al Kling / French Michael Fredel / Austrian Austrian       French   M. Fredel 30.5 / 3 20.4 / 3
02.10.2007 19.12.06 NRC / The Battle of Borodino Advanced Colin Park / French Thomas Huberth / Russians   Russians   French     T. Huberth 33.6 / 2 27.5 / 2
02.10.2007 26.09.2006 Eck / Hunting Davout Advanced John Mitchell / French Espoz y Mina / Austrians French       Austrians X J. Mitchell 57 / 2 40.8 / 2
02.14.2007 09.02.07 Eck / Hunting Davout Advanced Jim Hall / French Garret Fitzgerald / Austrians French       Austrians   J. Hall 60 / 2 43.2 / 2
02.14.2007 15.01.07 NRC / Battle of Smolensk  SB_Smolensk1h Advanced Colin Park / French Juerg Schulthess / Russians     X       - 40.3 / 2 40.3 / 2
02.14.2007 19.11.06 Wat / La Grande Bataille de Waterloo Advanced Armando Russo / French Ian Carr / Allied     X       - 55.9 / 2 55.9 / 2
02.14.2007 29.01.07 BGW / Waterloo Historic Colin Park / French Tom Lachenmaier / English English       French   T. Lachenmaier 16.5 / 3 8.4 / 3
02.14.2007 29.01.07 BGW / Waterloo Historic Colin Park / English Tom Lachenmaier / French French       English   T. Lachenmaier 16.5 / 3 8.4 / 3
03.01.2007 16.12.06 NRC / SB_borodinoNF.scn The battle of Borodino Coordination Perfect Historic George Cartiglia / Russians Michael Hoener / French Russians       French X G. Cartiglia 45 / 3 31.2 / 3
03.01.2007 19.12.06 Wat / Grouchy Marches to the Sound of the Guns Advanced Dale Lastowicka / Allied John Corbin / French Allied       French X D. Lastowicka 24 / 2 -
03.01.2007 05.09.2006 Eck / Eckmuhl the Battle No Rules Peter Dawson / Austrians Glyn Hargreaves / French French       Austrians   G. Hargreaves 79.5 / 1 58.8 / 1
03.01.2007 11.02.07 Wag / Battle of Raab Advanced Dale Lastowicka / French Maarten Rog / Austrians French       Austrians X D. Lastowicka 24 / 2 14.4 / 2
03.01.2007 07.08.2006 BGW / Ney's Charge Historic Scott Ludwig / French Peter Walker / Allied   French   Allied     S. Ludwig 14 / 3 10 / 3
03.01.2007 07.08.2006 BGW / Ney's Charge Historic Scott Ludwig / Allied Peter Walker / French Allied       French   S. Ludwig 16.5 / 3 8.4 / 3
14/4/07 11.09.2006 Wat / Placenoit Advanced Scott Ludwig / Prussian Patrick McCarthy / French     X       - 7.8/2 7.8/2
14/04/07 25.09.2006 Wat / D'Erlon's Attack Phase 2 Advanced Joshua Chausse / French Scott Ludwig / Allies Allies       French   S. Ludwig 22.5/2 13.2/2
14/4/07 03.05.2006 Eck / Training Historic Jim Walsh / Austrian Marco Bijl / French     X       - 23.4/3 -
15/4/07 03.05.2006 Eck / Training 2 Historic Jim Walsh / Austrian Marco Bijl / French     X       - 23.4/3 -
15/4/07 03.01.07 Cobex / La Haye Sainte Has Fallen Advanced Dale Lastowicka / French Maarten Rog / Allied French       Allied x Dale Lastowicka 18/2 9.6/2
15/4/07 10/11/06 C04. The Battle of Eckmuhl Advanced James Dobbins / Austrians Steve Kitchen / French Austrians       French x James Dobbins 37.5/2 25.2/2
15/4/07 29.01.07 Eck / Tegenhausen and Saal Advanced Pete Dawson / French Lorenzo Carrere / Austrians Austrians       French   Lorenzo Carrere 55.5/2 39.6/2
15/4/07 15/2/07 Napoleon's Charge Advanced Stefano Serrotti / Allied Armando Russo / French Allied       French   Stefano Serrotti 16.5/2 8.4/2
15/4/07 24.08.2006 NIA / Battle of Vitoria Historic Garret Fitzgerald / Allied Thomas Huberth / French     x       - 91.9/3 91.9/3
15/4/07 03.01.07 Wat / Quatre Bras Advanced Maarten Rog / Allied Steve Kitchen / French French       Allied   Steve Kitchen 45/2 31.2/2
16/4/07 03.01.07 Wat / Waterloo Historic Garret Fitzgerald / French Stefan Reuter / Allied French       Allied x Garret Fitzgerald 187.5/3 145.2/3
17/4/07 26.10.2006 NRC / Battle of Saltnovka Advanced Dale Lastowicka / French Patric Strijbis / Russians Russians       French x Patric Strijbis 58.5/2 42/2
18/4/07 26.09.2006 BGW / La Grande Battille Historic Wolfgang St. Johanser / French Mike Stradley / Allied   Allied   French   x Mike Stradley 42/3 35/3
18/4/07 16.09.2004 BGW / The wings come together Advanced Devon Hill / Franzosen Jeff Bangma / Alliierte Franzosen       Allied   Devon Hill 43.5/2 -
18/4/07 23.11.06 Leipzig / Leipzig 16-19 October 1813 historical Advanced Jürg Schulthess / French Glyn Hargreaves / Allied     x       - 42.9/2 42.9/2
19/4/07 15.01.07 Eck / 06H Raab Historic Michael Fredel / French Lino Paupério / Austrians French       Austrians   Michael Fredel 37.5/3 25.2/3
19/4/07 11/4/07 3H2. First Day at Aspern-Essling Advanced Rules Armando Russo / French Massimo Zampini / Austrian   Austrian   French     Massimo Zampini 42/2 35/2
19/4/07 03.01.07 BGW / Waterloo No Rules Michel Girard / French Ian Carr / Allied French       Allied x Michel Girard 22.5/1 13.2/1
19/4/07 11.02.07 NIR / #15 Try Try Again No Rules Michel Girard / French Robert Corcoran / Russian French       Russian   Michel Girard 19.5/1 10.8/1
19/4/07 19.12.06 Jena / #03h The battle of Jena (Historical) Historic Paul Smith / Prussians Jim Hall / French French       Prussians   Jim Hall 64.4/3 55/3
20/4/07 25.02.2006 Eck / 6 H. Raab Advanced Rules Alberto Neri / French Christophe Boucheron / Austrian     x       - 29.9/2 29.9/2
22/4/07 11/4/07 Fourth and Fifth Columns Unite (Wagram) Advanced Rules Espoz y Mina / Austrian Celamanka Noftz / French French       Austrian   Celamanka Noftz 25.5/2 16.6/2
22/4/07 11/4/07 HPS Waterloo Historical No Rules Andy Moss / Allied Stephane Chicouri / French   Allied   French     Andy Moss 51.8/1 43.75
22/4/07 11/4/07 HPS Jena - Action on October 14th  Historical Rules Thomas Huberth / Prussian Garret Fitzgerald / French Prussian       French   Thomas Huberth 187.5/3 145.2/3
23/4/07 11/4/07 Action at Saalfield \ HPS Jena Advanced Rules Dale Lastowicka / French Michael Fredel / Prussian   Prussian   Prussian     Michael Fredel 30.8/2 25/2
23/4/07 30.03.07 Battle of Auerstaedt Historical Rules Michael Fredel / Prussian Garret Fitzgerald / French Prussian       French x Michael Fredel 48/3 33.6/3
28/5/07 11/4/07 Battle of Wagram No Rules Garret Fitzgerald / French Thomas Phillips / Austrian French       Austrian x Garret Fitzgerald 36/1 24/1
28/5/07 11/4/07 HPS Waterloo Historical Rules Garret Fitzgerald / French Stefan Reuter / Allied French       Allied x Garret Fitzgerald 277.5/3 217.2/3
02/06/07 25.11.06 Wag / Danger on the Danube Advanced Rules Dale Lastowicka / Austrian Olivier Paviot / French () French       Austrian x Olivier Paviot - 42/2
02/06/07 1/5/07 Waterloo - The Battle for Placenoit Advanced Rules Lorenzo Carrere / French Raymond Bursch / Prussian   Prussian   French     Raymond Bursch 30.8/2 25/2
02/06/07 17.04.2006 Eck / H06 Emperor's Counterattack Advanced Rules Christophe Boucheron / French Garret Fitzgerald / Austrians French       Austrians x Christophe Boucheron 64.5/2 46.8/2
03/06/07 27/5/07 Jena - The Battle of Saalfeld No Rules Peter Dawson / Austrian Glyn Hargreaves / French   Austrian   French     Peter Dawson 30.8/1 25/1
03/06/07 08.06.2005 The Battle of Bautzen Advanced Rules John Kester Bernard Haulotte     x       - 49.4/2 49.4/2
03/06/07 3/6/07 HPS Waterloo / Wavre -h Historical Rules Stefan Reuter / French Phillip Cimara / Prussian   French   Prussian     Stefan Reuter 26.6/3 21.25/3
03/06/07 27/4/07 HPS Jena-Auerstadt historical No Rules Clifton Seeney / French Andy Moss / Prussian Prussian       French x Andy Moss 88.5/1 66/1
06/12/07 9/5/07 The Battle of Halle Advanced Rules Armando Russo / French Massimo Zampini / Prussian   French   Prussian     A. Russo 47.6 / 2 40 / 2
06/12/07 26.10.2006 Eck / Ebelsberg Advanced Lorenzo Carrere / Austrians Sergio Alarcon / French Austrians       French   L. Carrere 52.5 / 2 37.2 / 2
07/01/07 11/4/07 02 H 1 Saalfeld Historical Rules Michael Fredel / French Alojsius J. Kling / Prussian French       Prussian   M. Fredel 34.5 / 3 22.8 / 3


03/06/07 HPS Waterloo Historical No Rules Andy Moss / Allied Peter Dawson / French Allied       French x A. Moss 60 / 1 43.2 / 1
07/09/07 09/06/07 Wat - Battle of Quatre Bras No Rules Richy Duggan / Allied Ed Blackburn / French   Allied   French   x R. Duggan 39.2 / 1 32.5 / 1
07/10/07 11/06/07 Waterloo - Where is Blucher? Advanced Rules
Lorenzo Carrere / Allied Richard Duggan / French Allied     French     L. Carrere 85.5 / 3 63.6 / 3
07/11/07 11.09.2006 BGW / Napoleon's Charge Advanced Scott Ludwig / French Phil Chimara / Allied     X       - 11.7 / 2  11.7 / 2
07/11/07 20.04.2006 NRC / Campaign 1813 Battle 1 Gzhatsk13f2a3.scn Advanced Scott Ludwig / French Adrian Marcks / Russians   French   Russians     S. Ludwig 84 / 2 72.5 / 2
07/11/07 11/06/07 Battle of Raab - HPS Wagram Advanced Rules Dale Lastowicka / Austrian John Corbin / French Austrian       French X D. Lastowicka 18 / 2 -
07/11/07 1/5/07 Waterloo - 002. Braine Le Comte v2 Advanced Rules Lorenzo Carrere / Allied Michael Fredel / French French       Allied X M. Fredel 48 / 2 33.6 / 2
07/17/07 11/5/07 Eck - H4. Hunting Davout Advanced Rules Lorenzo Carrere / French Espoz y Mina / Austrians French       Austrians   L. Carrere 97.5 / 2 73.2 / 2
07/23/07 07/10/07 NIR / 01. Apptoaches to Shevardino No Rules Maciek Wedkowski / French Przemyslaw Wedkowski / Russians French       Russians X M. Wedkowski 19.5 / 1 10.8 / 1 
07/23/07 07/10/07 Jena / #02h_1 The Action at Saalfeld Advanced Rules Xaver Des Kreuzes / Prussian Jose Barredo / French Prussian       French   X. Kreuzes 34.5 / 2 22.8 / 2 
07/25/07 8/5/07 Waterloo - Battle of Soleilmont Historical Rules Lorenzo Carrere / French Patric Strijbis / Allies   French    Allies     L. Carrere 30.8 / 2 25 / 2
07/25/07 09.02.07 NRC / Battle of Vyazma as Ready as You Can Be  Historic George Cartiglia / Russians Garret Fitzgerald / French French       Russians   G. Fitzgerald 67.5 / 3 49.2 / 3
07/25/07 10.05.2006 BGW / Attack of the Imperial Guard Historic Scott Ludwig / Allies Paul van Ravenswaay / French French       Allies   P. van Ravenswaay 19.5 / 3 10.8 / 3
04/11/07 30/4/07 11H. Davout`s assault on the Russbach
Advanced Rules Lorenzo Carrere / French Matt Wencz / Austrian French
      Austrian   Lorenzo Carrere 31.5 / 2 20.4 / 2
08/11/07 11.09.2006 NIR / 18. Uvarov's Diversion Advanced Scott Ludwig / French Espoz y Mina / Russians   Russians   French     Espoz y Mina 16.8 / 1 12.5 / 1
08/11/07 11/4/07 BGW Great day for the Battle Advanced Rules Maciek Wedkowski / French Douglas McMann / Allied French       Allied Yes
Maciek Wedkowski 22.5 / 1 13.2 / 1

End of the game:

Start of the game:

Battle / Scenario

Rules of the battle:

Challenger / Side:

Opponent / Side:

Great Victory:

Minor Victory:


Minor Defeat:

Major Defeat:

Capitu- lation:

Winner / Side:

Pts. / Staff-Pts. Winner:

Pts. / Staff-Pts. Looser:



Campaign Games:

End of the game:

Start of the game:

Battle / Scenario

Rules of the battle:

Challenger / Side:

Opponent / Side:

Great Victory:

Minor Victory:


Minor Defeat:

Major Defeat:

Kapitu- lation:

Winner / Side:

Pts. / Staff-Pts. Winner:

Pts. / Staff-Pts. Looser:

01.13.2007 10.26.2006 Eck / Campaign 1st Battle - Eckmuhl

No Rules

Richy Duggan / Austrians

Andy Moss / French     X       -
24.7 / 3
24.7 / 3
01.28.2007 05.09.2006 Eck / Campaign 6th Battle - Sacile Historic Sam Dodson / French Thomas Huberth / Austrians   Austrian   French     T. Huberth
57.4 / 3
45.5 / 3
01.28.2007 22.08.2006 Eck / Campaign 5th Battle - Fontanafredda Advanced Lorenzo Carrere / French Jim Hall / Austrians Austrians       French   J. Hall
62.5 / 1
42.6 / 1
02.02.2007 21.10.2006 Eck / Campaign - 6th Battle Sacile Historic Jim Hall / Austrians Michael Hödl / French   Austrians   French     J. Hall
61.5 / 3
43.6 / 3
02.02.2007 27.10.2006 Eck / Campaign - 4th Battle  Eckmuhl Advanced Jim Hall / Austrians Paul Smith / French Austrians       French   J. Hall
60 / 2
35 / 2
02.02.2007 22.08.2006 Eck / Campaign - 4th Battle Eckmuhl Advanced Michael Hödl / Austrians Thomas Huberth / French French       Austrians   T. Huberth
61.5 / 3
43.6 / 3
03.01.2007 02.02.2007 Eck / Campaign 1st Battle - Eckmuhl

No Rules

Richy Duggan / Austrians

Andy Moss / French French       Austrians   A. Moss
10.5 / 1
3.6 / 1
16/4/07 01.11.2006 NRC / Campaign - 1st Battle - Smolensk from the North Historic Michael Hödl / Russians Garret Fitzgerald / French Russians       French   Michael Hödl
76.5/3 - Campaign Bonus 5
56.4/3 - Campaign Bonus 1
28/5/07 11/4/07 Campaign Eckmuhl, Battle of Landshut (Battle 1) Historical Rules Jim Hall / Austrian Michael Fredel / French Austrian       French   Jim Hall
31/5/07 01.11.2006 Jena / Campaign 1st Battle - Campaign Action 14th October 1806 Historic Michael Hödl / French Jim Hall / Prussians Prussians       French x Jim Hall

63/3 - Campaign Bonus 5

45.6/3 - Campaign Bonus Points 1
31/5/07 27.10.2006 Eck / Campaign - The Battle of Sacile - (5th Battle) Advanced Jim Hall / Austrians Paul Smith / French     x     x Jim Hall 55.5/2 - Campaign Bonus Points 5 39.6/2 - Campaign Bonus Points 5
31/5/07 27/4/07 Wag / Battle of Abensberg - (2nd battle) Historical Rules Jim Hall / Austrian Michael Fredel / French Austrian       French   Jim Hall 31.5/2 20.4/2
02/06/07 26/4/07 Skirmish at Mons / HPS Waterloo (1st Battle) Advanced Rules Dale Lastowicka / French Michael Fredel / Allied   Allied   French     Michael Fredel 30.8/2 25/2
03/06/07 06.02.2006 NRC / Campaign - 1st Battle - Advance into Krasnoi Historic Thomas Huberth / French Michael Hödl / Russians     x       - 100.1/3 100.1/3

End of the game:

Start of the game:

Battle / Scenario

Rules of the battle:

Challenger / Side:

Opponent / Side:

Great Victory:

Minor Victory:


Minor Defeat:

Major Defeat:

Capitu- lation:

Winner / Side:

Pts. / Staff-Pts. Winner:

Pts. / Staff-Pts. Looser:


*) = opponent MIA / Game declared finished

**) = Technical problems (file damaged)


Regular club games

Club-championship games

Inter-Army Tourney's

Inter-club-tournament games



Start of the game:

End of the game:

Battle / Scenario

Rules of the battle:



Great Victory:

Minor Victory:


Minor Defeat:

Major Defeat:

Kapitu- lation:

Winner / Side:

Pts. / Staff-Pts. Winner:

Pts. / Staff-Pts. Looser:

01.02.2006 23.12.2003  PTW / Ligny - Quatre Bras (unleashed)


Mark Wickhorst

Joseph Spinali

French       Allied X

Joseph Spinali

6 / 2 2 / 2

T. Lachenmaier

Scott Ludwig

Scott Ludwig

20.04.2006 26.02.2006 NRC / Green vs Blue Advanced Rick Motko Russian       French X Rick Motko 6 / 2 1 / 2
Phil Chimara Raymond Bursch Phil Chimara
20.04.2006 10.03.2005 Prelude to Waterloo: Quatre Bras historisch Peter Walker AF Brenton French       French   AF Brenton 6 / 3 2 / 3
James Walsh Taylor Wellingwood Taylor Wellingwood
25.04.2006 30.08.2005 Campaign Waterloo / CO Level Wavre historisch   Peter Walker Clint Hill Prussian       French     Peter Walker 6 / 3 2 / 3
  Taylor Wellingwood TJ Clearston   Taylor Wellingwood
27.04.2006 23.02.2006 NRC / Borodino Advanced Peter Dell

Paul Zantuck

Phil Chimara

Paul Vinnos

French       Russian X Phil Chimara

Paul Vinnos

6 / 3 1 / 3
27.04.2006 30.08.2005 Campaign Waterloo / Ligny and Quatre Bras Historic Stefan Reuter

Dierk Walter

French       Allied   Dierk Walter

6 / 3 2 / 3
01.05.2006 30.08.2005 Campaign Waterloo / CO Level La Haye Sainte Advanced Peter Walker

Devon Hill

Taylor Wellingwood

Brain Cruz

Allied       French   Peter Walker

Devon Hill

6 / 2 3 / 2
02.07.2006 15.09.2005 Cobex / Liepzig Advanced Stefan Reuter

Stephane Chicouri Allied       French   Stefan Reuter

6 / 2 3 / 2
01.09.2006 12.06.2006 Wat / Waterloo Campaign Historic Michael Hoedl

Thomas Huberth

Steve Kitchen

Rick Motko



4 / 3 4 / 3
19.09.2006 09.06.2006  


Brad Falgross

Mike Mainz

Rick Langford

Patrick Marshall

Austrian     French    
Rick Langford

Patrick Marshall

6 / 3 2 / 3
02.02.2006 04.02.2007 Wag / 06A Raab Advanced Garret Fitzgerald

Phil Chimara

Raymond Bursch
Alberto Neri

Stefano Ostinelli

Armando Russo
Austrian       French X Garret Fitzgerald

Phil Chimara

Raymond Bursch
45 / 2 31.2 / 2
30.08.2005 21/4/07 Campaign Eckmuhl / Hunting Davout historisch Wolfgang Sanktjohanser

Scott Ludwig

Alberto Neri

Thomas Huberth

French       Austrian x Alberto Neri

Thomas Huberth

55.5/2 39.6/2
23/4/07 11/4/07 Eckmuhl/ Hide and Seek Advanced Rules

Stefan Reuter

Andreas Naujoks

Douglas Fuller

John Mitchell

Austrian       French  

Stefan Reuter

Andreas Naujoks

160.5/2 123.6/2
07/10/07 11/4/07 Jena / Historical - Large Map Advanced Rules

Stefan Reuter

Andreas Naujoks

Dean Beecham

Michael Goellner

  Prussians   French    

Stefan Reuter

Andreas Naujoks

75.6 / 1 -
12.07.2006 07/23/07 Eck / Campaign 1st Battle - Landshut Bridge Historic Scott Ludwig

Ty Wellingwood

Clem Rockingham

TJ Clearston

Matt Bilson

Brain Cruz

August Brenton

Mark Braddenhoff

  Austrians   French     Scott Ludwig

Ty Wellingwood

Clem Rockingham

TJ Clearston

44.8 / 3 37.5 / 3

Start of the game:

End of the game:

Battle / Scenario

Rules of the battle:



Great Victory:

Minor Victory:


Minor Defeat:

Major Defeat:

Kapitu- lation:

Winner / Side:

Pts. / Staff-Pts. Winner:

Pts. / Staff-Pts. Looser:



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