International Napoleonic Wargaming Club

Founded - 08-21-2002



A bit dizzy and with a bloody cut above his eye, the French commander gets up on his feet. That was the second horse today that got shot down by a Rifleman. The green sons of Lucifer, that lot !!
The situation on the left flank is secure again. The brave Spanish battalion that crossed the bridge has been destroyed, and the Spanish forces will be on the other riverbank for the time being. More worrying is the situation around the Ali village. Remains of the 4th and 6th divsion are trapped there and allied forces swarm around the village like they are on a parading ground.
"Sir, please take my horse", a ADC remarks. The commander swiftly swings himself into the saddle of his new transport and spurs away in the direction of Margarita, only just briefly stopping by a band of Dragoons fighting with some drunken Spanish troopers over a supply wagon filled with barrels.
"Gentlemen, leave them poor drunken bastards alone and get back in line or I will have you shot!!! There is a whirlwind coming on, and I'll be needing every horse I have !!!!".


Andy Barnes

Brigadier D´urban,beckoned his stableboy to tighten the girth straps up one last notch just to be sure....
Then while artillery and musket fire sounded all around the ravine where the British Heavy Cavalry waited impatient and nervously,the General dressed in his exquisit uniform ...raised a glass of finest port to his Squadron commanders..."Gentlemen over the ridge lies the enemy guns.I have orders from "the Iron Duke" that they must be put out of action whatever the cost...Your Health Gentlemen!!!"The Squadron Commanders returned to their men and waited for the order to advance....Meanwhile Portuguese infantry advanced in line over the ridge and came up against a French battalion in Square.What an opportunity.Immeadiately the order to open fire was given with devastasting effect...
Suddenly a bugle sounded the order to advance ,the heavy cavalry moved forward at a trot ,in line ...dust rising slowly as hundreds of fine animals carried their battlehardened masters forward.The cavalry reached the rise in the ground and the pace was upped to a canter...what a sight Scarlet and Blue Uniforms gleaming swords glinting in the Spanish sun on they came .... The hoard was sent into the gallop now...the first futile defence of French skirmishers were mown down like ripe corn.. a splatter of red where once men had been.Suddenly the charge is sounded !!!CHAAAAAARGE man and beast hurtle headlong...flatout towards the waiting French Infantry....waiting in line!!!
oh mon Dieu!!! panicked Frenchman start to run from the French ranks!! Seargents scream at the young recruits to form square!!!A volley is hastily fire ,some of the troopers fall with their horses to be trampled to death by their own comrades..then its Kill and kill and kill...cut thrust chop down no mercy !!!!! the infantry run screaming into a neighbouring battalion disordering them...the troopers howling with bloodlust and out of control thunder on up a rise in the ground to where a battery of French guns wait....the guns roar but the gunners are now infected with the terror...the slaughter continues the guns are over run the crews shown no mercy and still the cavalry carry on driving into a second battery caught in the flank again the gunners are butchered!!! Troopers and officers alike revelling in the bloodlust onward once agin towards another Infantry battalion caught in line..."Hold steady "the French Colonel screams at his men " Their horses are blown ,we can beat them just stand your ground,ready ,aim .........."Mon Dieu Colonel look behind us!!!!!!!!!" In horror the Colonel turns.. to his rear what appears to be Drunken Spanish Cavalry the Colonel doesnt get the chance to scream!!! He is trampled and sabered along with his men under the hoofs of the British Heavies!!!!!!!........ the battle continues to

French skirmishers continue to cause problems to allied troops at Magarita.Fierce house to house fighting is slowly taking its toll on bothsides.

French Tirailleurs

Allied forces lauched a massive frontal attack against French forces to the south of Magarita.its still unclear whether the attacks have been successful!!Spanish troops have continued to keep up the intense pressure on the left flank.At Arriaga British forces were fought to a standstill by stiff French resistance.

Highland troops have wiped out a battery of French guns on a knoll near the town of Ali!! The "Jocks " although stretched to the limit ,fought their way up the hill under extreme heavy fire and put the guns out of action.The guns had been troubling allied troop movement for sometime and were the cause of a substantial number of casualties.

Highland Infantry

unconfirmed reports say that French forces lost at least 30 guns in this latest offensive.
British sources could not confirm reports of Spanish troops deserting at the town of Ali.

Have the French run away?


Patric Strijbis

Jean Marchant grabs his fallen comrad by the back of his uniform and drags him into a half burning building. "The old man" took care of him when he joined the army two years ago and taught him well. So Jean would rather lay down his life right here, than leave "the old man" behind. Most of their battalion has been shot to pieces by the British lines or got lost in the streetfighting. Together with "the old man" he took position in a barn on the outskirts of the village and blasted away at the advancing light British forces. But soon the Brits torched the place, and they had to fall back under terrible enemy fire. And "the old man" caught a bullit.
Jean looks at the old hero of Eylau. He is still breathing, but there's a big black hole on his back. Jean feels anger rising. He picks up his model 1777, checks the bayonet and gets up on his feet. "Now it's my turn to be a hero", he whispers and jumps out of the door, screaming "remember Eylau!!!!" and dissapears in the smoke.
The French commander looks up from his binoculars. The British heavies have broken through, but still his commaders were able to rally and reform a new line. Some brave dragoons chased the drunken Spanish riders and caught up with them, fighting bitterly. Reformed colums are rushing forward to the gap, but will not be there in time to save their friends facing the bulk of the centre British army. "I never thought much of this army, but today they prove to be hard fighters with hearts of lions. ". He pets his horse on the flank and turns to an ADC. "It's time to move to another part of the field and see what we can do there. I cant stand to see the second wave of British cavalry slaughtering my men. Let's move !!!"


Andy Barnes

Divisional General Leval fought for breath!!.A ball fired by a Portuguese musket had smashed his ribs and pierced one of his lungs. His faithful friend and trusty commander Blondeau,tried desperately to stem the flow of blood.The sucking wound in Levals chest whistled as the dying General gasped like a stranded fish for air.
"You must hold them must hold..sssssssssh .Levals life blood passed from his body .Leval died .Blondeau,tears streaming down his face laid his old friends head to rest.He closed the Generals blank staring eyes.Sir the Enemy are behund us !!! screamed the Brigadiers Adjutant Morceau. The olive skinned Portuguese soldiers had outmanouvered the French and now had them trapped like rats in a barrel!A call went out from the brown clad soldiers for the Frenchmen to surrender." Non go f**k yourselves"
was the answer from the massive Sargeant from Marseille.He ran his finger down the blade of his huge axe." Come to me my pretty soldier boys my toy is waiting for you" The sargeant went down fighting as his did his men and Blondeau.The French were wiped out to the last man.On all fronts the British Portuguese and Spanish troops battered the French forces of Joseph Bonaparte. The sandy Spanish soil of Vittoria was turned red...


Patric Strijbis

General Cramaille's instinct was giving alarmbells....Those Brits advanced too far ahead of the other colums. At once he spurred away, calling out to his officers: " !!!" And screaming at his Spanish collegues...."There...ahead, don't you see Advance you lazy donkeys..!!" Other officers picked up the order and slowely the colums began to advance. "Hold you fire, keep moving". Cramaille could see the head of his battalion dive into the red block of man who just appeared from the olive-yeard. Other, Spanish Guard, colums were moving up to the melee and joined in.....It was over in minutes; the roar of hunderts of men in melee slowely died away and the sound of cannon and rifle-fire took over again.
"Can anyone spare some water and ammunition ?" Jean looked around at the group of men with whom he just beaten of a company of riflemen. "Take some of his", a sergeant pointed at a corps of a light infantryman, "he won't be needing it." Jean searched the body and found some bullits and halve a bottle of wine still intact. His mouth was as dry as cork. But he didn't get time to drink it. "Fall back men !! Here they come again!!!".
"Well done Cramaille", the French commander whispers, "don't give them too much ground." A rider comes up to the commander. "Sir, on the extreme left flank Allies are crossing the river !!". "Is that so My God, how big IS that army of theirs "


Andy Barnes

"Jamie! are you ready my boy?", Captain Brenshaw of the 16th Light Dragoons shouted to his last living troop leader on his right."Lets get on with it Sir its our only chance of survival. "...." Frederick , about you and your men? Ready for death or glory?"

"Jawohl mein Herr" grumbled the bullish looking Leutnant of the KGL dragoons. "If we live through zis i buy you all Sauerkraut und Eisbein at Rosies"," Dont forget the bloody Schnaps Fritz" barked Brenshaw"haa i vont".
The remnants of the two dragoon units had taken cover in a gully with their backs to an unfordable river. Behind them across the river the Spanish commander gave the order to fire at a french square blocking the Cavalrys way. Frenchmen tumbled as the Spanish musket balls ripped into their lines. 

Captain Brenshaw reminded the men this was their only way out. "Men we have to reach the bridge or well end up as garlic sausage for the craupards!" Allied artlillery blasted a French coloumn to the front of the troopers."CHARGE" the dragoons dug their spurs deep into the flanks of their small nibble horses. "Come on you bastards lets gooooo". The dragoons hurtled out and over the top of the gully, the demoralised French square managed a halfhearted attempt to fire,only a few KGL were hit.

Directly to their front a small French coloumn reeling from the devastating British and Spanish artillery bombadment turned and fled to their rear. "Kill the bastards come on you sons of pregnant rats this is are only chance". "Donnerwetter! Schauen Sie mal da Sir!" "What you say Fred?"

"Look to the dragoons front cannon pointing towards the bridge.....". Oh sweet Jesus save our blackhearts" groaned Brenshaw, come on Von de Decken, lets see how well you bloody Hannys fight now". "Los meine Kinder, tötet die Schweinehunde" screamed the man from Celle.... The dragoons sabred their way through the battery of French gunners... jubillant the survivors galloped their steeds out of the carnage towards thr bridge and freedom... but freedom was not to be had... to their front a second battery protected by a battalion of infantry....

"Oh f**k!! Sweet marys arse and daisys!" Verdammte Scheisse!!! Maenner halt!...


Patric Strijbis

The horse of Generale Vandemaesen made some nervous jumps. Closeby a ammunition cariage had just exploded, creating chaos within the supply train. He and his generals had just witnessed a charge by Joseph's guard cavalry, pushing away some stray British cavalry. "Soulier, it's time to move up the field". His general Cramaille had already checked an advance by British guards, now it was time to close in. Supported by elements of the 1re division, the colums started to move. On the extreme right, by the riverbank, Vandemaesen saw two birgades of General Chasse push some Spanish forces into the river. Vandemaesen took up his binoculars. "lot's of prisoners, that will delay their advance. Too bad, we can't wait". Finally the colums reached the fight. "Line formation", shouted dozens of officers and the colums began to transform slowly. Apperently the changing of formation was spotted by the enemy and soon a charge of musketfire swept through the ranks. "steady men, keep moving", a luitenant shouted. A second burst of musketfire killed dozens more men. "Steady keep moving, keep moving". More men fell to the dry Spanish ground. "That's it !! On my signal", shouted Soulier. A third round came from the enemy lines, more men fell. "Now it's your turn men, FIRE !!!!!".

Jean Marchant opened the bottle of wine and drank it's contents quickly. "Trying to get drunk young man ?" An old soldier looked at him smiling. "Not really. I'm dying of thirst". "Well, you'd better get up or you'll be dying of something else youngmen". The old man nodded towards the small church. "They've just taken the graveyard there, and will be here faster than you can blink". Jean got up and looked at the church. Clearly he could see Englishmen firing at them. Jean reloaded and took position with about 20 light infantrymen behind a fence.

"Sir, the enemy has crossed the river on the far left, Sir. Micheaux is holding on, but there are just too many of them!!". "Tell Micheaux he has to fight till the last man", replied the French commander, "I need time". The gap around Ali has been closed, but some English and Spanish forces are threatning the rear around Margarita. Also the British heavies are still in the midst of the French line around that village. Will the Frech hold?


Andy Barnes

"Steady now Mick,take your time,just make sure you hit the French bastard" wispered Sergeant Johnson to Mick O´Reilly, the regiments crack shot." Piece of cake Sarge just watch". The stocky rifleman from Omagh county Tyrone propped his Baker rifle between his boots as he lay on his back amongst a rocky out crop. He steadied his breathing and calmly took aim at the high ranking French officer mounted on a beautiful white stallion of Arab breeding. Johnson scanned the area making sure that their posistion had not been compromised.

O´Reilly lined up the sights on the chest of the General. As O´Reilly expelled the air in his lungs for the third time he squeezed the trigger of his Rifle. The rifle slammed back into his shoulder as the crack of the rifle shocked the small group of horsemen to the front of OReillys posistion. One of the horseman , a French General , slumped in his saddle. His comrade fussed about him and quickly the other rider grabbed the reins of the horse and attempted to lead the stricken officer to safety.

Meanwhile O´Reilly was loading his Baker rifle as fast as he could. Johnson now had the rescuing officer in his sight and although he wasnt as good as OReilly, he had no trouble hitting the panic stricken Frenchman with a shot in the back. The horseman dropped from his saddle in a cloud of dust.
"Right lets get out of here".

Allied forces have confirmed that the village of Crispiana is now under their control.
The fighting for Magarita continues. An allied spokesman said that the village was 99 percent in allied hands.

The Elite forces of the British Army has suffered a humilliating defeat at the hands of French forces near the town of Arriaga. The Guards were forced to withdraw under a galling fire from French forces. A spokesman for the Guards Division wouldn´t comment on how many casualties were recieved.

A fierce counter attack by French forces has stopped the allied advance in its tracks at the town of Ali...


Patric Strijbis

A wave of panic went through the battalions holding their ground before Margarita. The shock of the British cavalry was just too much. Formations crumbled as a old biscuit crushed by a fist. This resulted in masses being trampled or slaughtered by the Brits. The French commander watched the spectacle from some distance. Hunderts of men lost, captured or sabered. "Now we are in trouble, LeGrande. If they can link up with the rest of their army and push us from Margarita the left wing is lost." The commander points his binocular to Ali village. The counterattack there comes to a standstill. Some Spanish forces are holding on desperatly. "Things are not well, not well indeed", whispers and spurs away on his horse toward the Margarita line.
The wine did not help Jean's thirst. It made it worse. Out of bullits and with great losses he and his band had to fall back to a plain just before the village. The men looked hollow and frustrated. After a fierce fight, they had to give up their gains. Although they had holded the Brits for hours, their numbers were too much. Jean looked around. In the far distance he saw the artillery that had supported them all day withdraw from their posistion. "Something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong." For the plain he could now see the battle before the village. Hunderts of British cavalry were swarming around. "Ow my god.... we're going to be cut off !!!"


Andy Barnes

Captain Sanchez of the Spanish army could not believe what he was being ordered to do! Major Brummley of the Royal Artiller, His Majesty King Georges Army, had just ordered him and his regiment to fire on a group of fleeing Kings German Legion Dragoons. The routed group were fleeing pell mell towards the river after a heroic attack on French troops including artillery, had finally stalled. The artillery officer needed a "clear shot" at the massed infantry and cannon to its front.

"If you don´t order your men to fire ,i will have you arrested that clear?"

"Si Senor,but i hope your consciense will live with this act". The Spanish regiment were ordered to to take aim...
"Los Jungs we are nearly at the river bank! Just plunge ze horses into ze river and pray zat we make it across, screamed the Legion Leutnant... he couldnt believe his eyes as he saw what the Spanish troops across the river Zadrra were about to do!!!

"FUEGO" !!!

900 muskets spat flame smoke and deadly lead across the river... the gallant horsemen were mown down in an instant! No one survived. The Spanish troops scowled in fury towards the gunners.
"Right lads now it´s time to avenge those poor bastards"
"Mister Scott when your ready begin firing... lets rip the hearts out of those French Scum"...

The town of Magarita has fallen!!!
In a surprise attack 4 Spanish regiments forced the remainder of the stubborn French forces out of Magarita.Spanish casualties were quite heavy.
British and Portuguese Light Infantry surprised a battery of French guns at a village to the east of Magararita "La Hermondad" and captured the guns. It is not known the fate of the gun crews.
Meanwhile French forces overlooking the River Zadorra to West of the battlefield have been pushed back by a large cavalry and infantry attack. More guns were captured here. British sources say that the entire French left flank has been ripped wide open. Reports say that at least four batterys were seen struggling to limber up and flee before the next Cavalry charge is launched. At the village of Ali Allied forces are hanging on by the skin of their teeth. A number of high ranking French officers have been lost during this latest round of fighting...


Patric Strijbis

It was complete chaos. Through the thick smoke Gen. Micheaux could see the British dragoons ran past his last line holding, sabering anything that came before them. Hunderts of men running in all directions, gunners leaving their pieces behind and fleeing on the towhorses, carriages getting looted by the British. Absolute panic went like a typhoon through his division. Gen. Micheaux stood calmly in the midst of this storm. His mind was still clear. As clear as it could be inspite of the frantic thoughts ran round his brain like the chaos before him. How could this be ? His defence was solid. Gun positions covered all routes leading to his position and the bridge. His men were in good defencive positions, but when the British stormed the Bridge it was all lost within a couple of minutes. Hunderts of them poured over the river, smashing into his lines. Then they halted and thundering the British cavalry suddenly appeared and crashed into his lines. Micheaux turned his horse, paring an attack of a dragoon. He spurred away through the fleeing band and grabed an eagle from a suprised and soldier. "All men !!!! Rally around me !!! You cowards.......!! Get round your eagle now if you want to live another day !!!!".

The French commander met his aid the campe on a knoll before Vitoria. "Oke, speak to me. What have you learned about our situation ?"
"Well Sir, our left has broken. Micheaux' position is hopeless. He's lost." The commander touched his hat for a second. "Tell me more...."
"Margarita has fallen. An suprise attack by Spanish forces have thrown our forces out of the town. The divisions on the plain before the village are holding on against the British cavary but there is a hole as big as les Tuilleries in the line. And infantry is coming up...." The ADC sighed. "Continue, please."
"The Portugese have halted their advance through the oliveyard, but are probably waiting for British forces coming into the rear of our men before they will attack." "I see....", the commander replied,"how about the rest of the field?"
"Ali village is still being held by Spanish, but the British are being checked and even throw back. Same situation before us, we hit back the guards with heavy losses."
"Well, done", the commander whispers,"if they destroy our left, we'll destroy theirs."
The commander and his ADC looked for some time at the battlescene before them untill both became alarmed by an party moving towards them. Before they could react the riders already came up to them. Apperently they were Germans. "Sir", one of them shouted to them,"we've captured tzis Englander General." The riders presented their prize: a nervous looking officer and judging from his uniform of very high rank. "Well, welcome as a prisoner of the French army Sir. You will spent the rest of the war in Bayonne or if you're lucky, Paris".


Andy Barnes

General Mermet lay on his back among the dead and dying .His command lay in tatters.The British heavy and light cavalry has crushed his defences in a savage all out attack." Right you French Ponce get up or ill stick yee like a pig",the ragged looking Highlander yelled nicking the Generals cheek with his bayonett and drawing blood to emphasise he meant what he said.
The general scrambled to his feet protesting he was an Officer and a Gentlemen and demanded to be treated as one." Whahey yer dinny whadaya not shat yer fr*g face for ahh run yer through Jimmy"
"Private Donaldson you scoundrel" balled a Highland Officer."you will pay this Gentlemen the respect he deserves by God or ill have yee flogged is that clear ?" "Yes SAAH" Donaldson sulkily left the General with Captain Smyth of the highland Division.
"Your Sword and your parole Sir,do i have it?"
"Oui Monsieur,you do ,i am General Mermet i am in your debt"The general handed over his sword which the Captain promptly returned."I have your word General!!"
"Good job i came along General,Donaldson would have probably cut your throat and robbed you"
Please come with me General.His Lordship will be pleased to meet you no doubt.

Latest reports from the battlefield around Vittoria,reveal that allied forces have over-run the French left under the command of Divisional General Mermet.The General himself was captured and has given his parole.Negotiations are going on between the French Command and Allies to exchange prisoners,although no agreement has been reached as yet. Allied forces in and around the village of Ali are involved in a desperate battle against overwhelming French forces.Spanish forces to the east have again inflicted severe casualties on their French opponents.


Patric Strijbis

The French commander, looking towards his left flank, mumbles: "Just buy me a bit more time.....just a bit more....."
Around Ali the French colums slowly begin advancing, some disapearing into woodland or oliveyards. Also on other parts on the French right a movement forward can be noted. Guns blazing in support. Cavalry forming.

Is this the last punch for the French, or will they be able to turn tables on the English ? Looks like a crucial moment has arrived on the field of Vittoria...


Andy Barnes

The Allied offensive near the town of Vittoria continues.

Reports of the capture of French Divisional General Maucune have been confirmed by Allied Headquarters. The General is in good health but had to be treated for concussion and a broken nose. The village of La Hermandad is now firmly in Allied hands.Portuguese and British troops have smashed the French forces near the village , however to the south east, patrols report a large number of what seem to be French Dragoons concentrating ready for a counter attack on the advancing British troops at Arinez.British sources have confirmed the French left Flank is in tatters. Cavalry patrols have come under artillery fire from french cannon sheltering amongst Infantry squares.

The remainder of the French troops on the left flank have been overwhelmed and captured. Allied troops advancing towards Arinez have pushed back French forces in a fire fight duel.

Elsewhere on the battlefield reports say that the fighting around and in the town of Ali has been most ferocious.Allied troops are desperately trying to hold against a heavy surprise counter attack by French forces .KGL troops have found themselves in a precarious posistion fighting among olive groves to the east of the town.A Spanish battalion is cut of and looks like it is in danger of bieng over-run.To the West of Ali Allied troops have inflicted heavy casualties on the attacking French forces.The troops using volley fire descimated advancing French coloumns.At the town of Arriaga heavy fighting continues as a heavy French counter attack continues,Allied forces are hard pressed and in danger of bieng cut off.
Spanish forces have again inflicted heavy casualties at the river crossing of Gamara Mayor.Two batteries of supporting British Artillery destroyed two French guns in an excellent display of Bristish gunnery.Their Spanish colleagues didnt do quite so well.

Reports of an uprising among the residents of Vittoria have not been confirmed...


Patric Strijbis

The looks on the faces of his junior officers didn't give him much confidence in them. There was fear and nerviousness written all over them. "Right gentlemen, you haven't been doing much today except catching some stay bullits or canonnonballs, from which some of you, if I may add, ran like little rabbits. But NOW, gentlemen, comes you moment to FIGHT !!! Prepare your men to advance !!". The officers rode back to their units and started shouting orders. The men formed and on his signal two colums started their march. The advance led through an olive yard, which made the going tough. All of a sudden a shock went through the first colum. The forward motion became less and some soldiers bumped into their comrades. Contact was made with the enemy. "Allright, advance !!! Forward !! Hold your fire....just keep going !!!" The men started shouting. A ferocious fight broke out at the head of the colum, with men slamming into their red-coat enemy or getting entangled into olivetrees. After minutes the enemy could be seen withdrawing.

"We've beaten them back Sir, should we continue to advance Sir ?". The General looked at his flushed ADC. "Just hold the position and wait for the other colums to come up. This fight is far from over."
The French commander looked at the advance around Arriaga village. More British guards were being thrown out of their positions. Also the cavalry made good, by securing the flanks of the massive oliveyard. The plain between Ali village and Arriage was still in British hands, but it was held by weak elements, holding on desperatly. The commander took another good look across the river. Dustclouds.........Could this be ? More re-inforcements ? He knew he had to finish business quickly around Arriaga; his left was weak and about to be destroyed. Although Ali village was retaken, no troops could be sent as of yet to the endangered left flank. Worried he looked at the files of hunderts of Spanish prisonners coming from Ali village. A good victory there, but not enough to win the battle...


Andy Barnes

"What did you say Beresford, I don´t believe it?" gasped Wellington in astonishment,

"Its true Sir, the Spanish have captured Soult!"

"By the hair of my dogs bollocks thats fantastic Beresford!, send my warmest congratulations to General Castanos and tell him I wish him to dine with me after the battle. My god Soult, oh yes Beresford tell him to bring Soult with him,he too is to be my guest.

"As you wish Sir!"

" Now Beresford what else has been happening on the battlefield?"

"Well Sir, Portuguese troops have overrun a battery of horse artillery on the edge of Arinez and sent the defending Infantry packing, elsewhere as you know a number of Spanish battlions caused havoc at Arriaga and took over 1,000 French prisoners and hopefully have plugged a very bad gap in the line in the nick of time".

Wellington frowned at this news"Go on Beresford"

"On our right flank French Artillery sheltering in two infantry squares were captured and spiked by our advancing infantry.The Squares will be dealt with soon. Just to the south of that incident we captured another high ranking Officer, General Taupin!!!"

"By God Bereford get me the Port this deserves a drink" exclaimed Wellington excitedly,"what glorius news. Now its time to squash the fr*gs and cut them off from France!!!"


Patric Strijbis

King Joseph's cain was waving dangerously close to the faces of Jourdan and the French commander. "You've wrecked my army!!! You've destroyed my kingdom !!!", the king was screaming on top of his lungs, "I'll have you shot and hanged !!" While Jourdan became smaller with every word the Royal screamed, the French commander took the verbal abuse calmly. "Sir....", he protested, but the king gave him no time to reply. Like a little child Joseph was now stamping his feet, waving his cain ever more closely to the faces of his commanders. "My brother will have you......He'll hang you publicly........He'll.....He'll.......". A nearby explosion cut Joseph's rage short and the Royal ducked to the ground. Under protest he let the French commander help him get to his feet. "Your highness, please hear me out.", the commander adressed the king softly. "All is NOT lost. I even think it's Wellington who's got a problem and not us." The king looked at the French commander as if he saw water burning, than shook his head and declared that his commander had lost his mind and should be placed in a asylum for the mentaly ill. "Arrest that man", he pointed towards the commander. Jourdan made some mumbeling remarks to protest, but two big guardsmen locked the French commanders arms and tied him to a horse.

"I'm sorry about this", Jourdan apologised, "You know how his temper can be." The French commander nodded. "Just listen Jourdan, and listen well......We've held the Brits all day and their losses are BIG. Really BIG.....As far as I can tell, after this is over, they will be in no shape to persue us. Their cavalry is blown, their guard is in ruins and their allies to busy looting everything that comes along their path......Remember I gave orders to concentrate around Vitoria and there are still Corps' heading this way. Just defend the road to Paris.....After this battle the British army will be licking it's wounds for weeks".

************Intercepted message**************

From: Gen. Micheaux
To: French Commander

Situation hopeless. All units lost. Ask permission to fall back to Vitoria position. Most officers captured by Allied forces.............

************Intercepted message**************

From: Guards-command
To: CiC

Unable to hold position Arriaga. Heavy losses. Where are the Portugese re-inforcements

***********Intercepted message*****************

From: Count D'Erlon
To: French CiC

Unable to controle the field and my forces. Must we hold Ali position or fall back to Vitoria ? Please advise.


Andy Barnes

Lt. Col. O Callaghan mopped his brow with a white linen hankerchief. It had been a parting gift from his wife Mary. She had given it to him  just before he strode onto the gangplank of the transport ship at Southhampton docks two long years ago. A small embroided heart in the linen was now stained red with blood, a cut recieved on the forhead trickled blood down O Callaghans cheek.

O Callaghan grimly took in the devastating scene which surrounded him. His orders had been to take the town of Arinez at all cost! Now standing among the dead and dying it had indeed been a bloody price! A horse, its entrails blue red steaming and stinking spilled out into the dusty street, tried pitifully to get back onto its legs. The poor beast didn´t seem to register it had lost both its hind legs, the body of its master Colonel Deseaux lay crushed in a sticky mess of entrails and blood. His face blown away by an English Musket ball.

"God I hope I never have to see another battle like this" cursed O Callaghan.

"Sergeantmajor how many prisoners?"

"About 800 Sir."

The Sergeantmajor grinned back" The lads did the Regiment proud today Sir, may I ask permission to issue the lads with an extra ration of Gin Sir?"

"Indeed you may Mister Hankock! They have bloody deserved it"..............................

The fighting between French and Allied troops near the town of Vittoria continues.
Allied troops have taken the town of Arinez. The defending French troops were completely overwhelmed. The left flank of the French army is now completely smashed. Reports say that only a number of ragged battalions are offering hardy resistence but it is only a matter of time before all are either captured or killed.

Portuguese troops plugged a dangerous gap at the town of Arriaga, where viscious fighting continues.
Around the town of Ali the fighting is still desperate and Allied troops have made several successful counter attacks. Cavalry units from both sides are still involved in a fight to the death engagement between the towns of Ali and Arriaga.

Allied forces have smashed french resistance between the two towns of La Hermandad and Crispiana. Elite French units have been destroyed there. Casualty reports are as follows:...

French Inf 46,029
Cav 9,180
Art 143
Off 49

Allied Inf 28,730
Cav 7,887
Art 46
Off 18


Patric Strijbis

Panic. On this earth there is no weapon more powerfull than panic. Anyone who has ever witnessed this frightning and wonderfull spell of human behaviour on a battlefield will surely agree. As it makes it's deadly rounds through the ranks of an army, it destroys all strength, will and determination. Turns men into little childern or makes beasts out of them. And by now panic struck the French army on the field of Vitoria.

It started on the left side of the army, around the divisions fighting left of Ali. The French commanders Reille and Count D'Erlon had just reorganised their units for a severe counterattack, when lost elements of the broken left wing turned up on the field. Bewildered men shouting all was lost mingled with the organised battalions. These men, who had had a relative easy day, looked at eachother in amazement. As orders were given, there was a hesitation. The men started talking with eachother and looked frightfully in the direction where the fleeing men came from. Although they couldn't see the slaughter going on on the far left, they could see hunderts of men running from the hills and fields around Margarita. Now the forestfire called panic took hold. Men began looking at their commanders. Some started shouting or fighting with their comrads. And then, as if it was anMay 15, 2006 stunned comrads soon followed their example. Within seconds battalions were falling apart like snowballs tossed against a window. The British forces occupying an oliveyard immediatly began to advance in line, blasting away at the fleeing mass. This of course added to the confusion. When some brave English forces stormed a battery which had covered the deployment, the chaos was complete.

This didn't go by unnoticed by the troops on the right side of Ali. As they saw their supporting forces run, the same thing took place on that side of the field. Men started talking and hesitating and soon the first panic strucken soldiers started to throw down their weapons and began to run. Some commanders followed their example, others, enraged, tried to drag their men back by the collar of their uniform. One furieus capitain began chopping away at his men with his sword. Soon he was hit by a friendly musketball.

Around Arriaga, the brave forces which had fought back the British Guard, got hit by a fierce counterattck from fresh Portugese forces. For the fourth time that day Arriaga chanced owner. This was enough for some elements. Again hunderts of men came pouring from the oliveyards and woods and started running towards Vitoria, leaving their cursing cavalry behind.

Even on the far right, around Mayor, battalions started running after seeing Arriaga fell again. An English artillery officer on the other side of the river made sure the remaining French would receive a dubble dose of the fire they had sustained up untill now.

The behaviour of King Joseph and Jourdan didn't help much to better the situation. Especially King Joseph, looking like a man infected with rabies, screamed orders and counterorders everywhere. Except for some high placed officers, for whom ambition was more importent than fear, nobody listend. Jourdan, on the other hand, was personally directing the evacuation of the treasury and other valuebles from the battlefield.

"Sir, I'm amazed......We all thought you were captured by the redcoats." A cavalry officer made a bow. "Not exactly the enemy", the French commander replied. With his decorations and destinctions torn off, he looked more like a common soldier than the commander of the French army. "Now, if you would be so kind to destroy those English forces in front of you colonel. "The officer saluted and spurred away with a small band of dragoons. They cleared the field and slaughtered the English within minutes. "I'd better stay with these men, whatever happens", the French commander thought. "With them I can fight my way out of here."

Jean Marchant's thirst had gone from cork, to rubber to sandpaper. His throat was inflamed and every time he moved his lips, he felt them bursting more and more open, pooring little streams of blood into his mouth. He was drinking his own blood. After Margarita has fallen, he and his band were soon surrounded and captured. With hunderts of French who had befallen the same faith, he was brought over the river Zadorra to a improvised pow-camp. All along the march he was being hit and spit at by English and Spanish forces. Some big rifleman had emptied his pockets, taking everything he owned. He tried to protest when he took a little hanger, which his mom had given to him before he went off to Spain. On the hanger was a portrait of two childern. His mother always said it depicted him and his sister, but he knew it was a lie. His family didn't have the money to have something made like that. Probably his father took it as pay from someone. Even so, he was very attached to it. As Jean felt regret creep through his heart, he looked at the sun. It's rays turning into wonderfull coloured explosions before his eyes. Untill a black dot appeared between the colours, which grew bigger and bigger, untill everything went black.

A thousant horses, perfectly in line, made nervous movements. Their riders, a thousant French dragoons, looked tense to the distance.
"There is infantry and fresh British Heavies coming !! Are you men prepared to DIE !!!!!"
"OUI !!!!!", replied a thousant voices.


Andy Barnes

The dusty hot plain to the west of Arinez was littered with the blue coated bodies of Joseph Bonapartes left flank. Thousands lay dead or wounded. Already flies were feasting on the congealed blood of the dead.Crows and Ravens greedily pecked at the eyes of the defeated bodies.The dust had taken on a red hue,red with the blood of young Frenchmen."God Beresford,i hope this bloody killing will end soon" exclaimed Sir Arthur Wellesley grimly.

"Aye Sir that I do too" replied Beresford.

A battalion of ragged redcoated infantry marched by along the road to Arinez...."The scum of the Earth Beresford , thats what they are! The Scum of the earth. Sons of sleepers and drunken thieves every one of them. That they are, but the finest fighting maschine history has ever seen!"

"Now its time to put an end to Joseph Bonaparte, Come on you blaggards lets go get Bony" cheered Wellesley.

"AYE SIR !!!", was the shouted reply.


French left flank ceases to exist!!!.....
Thousands of French captured or killed.......French routing on all fronts......
Fighting at Ali heavy.

casualties as follows
French inf 51,275
cav 9,562
art 148
off 59

Allies inf 30,449
cav 8,188
art 47
off 20


Patric Strijbis

Slowly the French commander moved through the traffic surrounding Vitoria. All roads to and from the city were crammed with fleeing soldiers and civilians, horses, vehicles. The commander had left his horse behind. Trying to move through this crowd on horseback would be impossible. The band of dragoons which he would have used for his protection were still on the other side of the villiage. They met a suprise counterattack by Spanish and British cavalry and were tied up again in a desperate struggle. But the commander had a struggle of his own now. Pushing and shoving through hunderts of panic strucken people.
When he finally made it through, the commander couldn't believe his eyes. Before him, on the plain between Magarita and Arinez the entire Allied army was reforming and marching towards Ali. Thousands of soldies in Red and Blue uniforms deploying. English military music cleary echoed over the plain. And all that stood between him and the English/Portugese/Spanish army was a thin line of dragoons, awaiting the coming juggernaut patiently.

"This is madness", the commander whispered with amazement.


Andy Barnes

Wellington surveyed the battlefield that sprawled in front of him.The stench of death filled his nostrils and he had to suppress the urge to vomit.
The French left flank was smashed beyond repair. His own inner left flank was holding.

"By God I have them"

He roared with delight!! Beresford took the telescope from Wellington

"By God Sir I believe you have!!!"

The begining of the end for the French Army of Spain was at hand... be continued very soon!!!!!


Patric Strijbis

No way Jose !!!


Andy Barnes

At last after losing many of their "Amigos", the Spanish troops were able to storm the French defences across the river.The Spaniards fought like mountain lions and tore into the well trained French troops.The hand to hand fighting was brutal and merciless."Drive them back" screamed Captain Hernandez "Take no prisoners kill every last one of the swines".Bayonets stabbed and muskets crashed down to split French skulls like water melons. Men gouged at eyes,punched and kicked,screaming at each other in their fury,frustration and their fear!!.Slowly the French were pushed back,at last a bridgehead was in place."Viva Espana" the call echoed across the river.
All across the battlefield of Vittoria Allied troops have been consolidating their gains.Pockets of French stragglers have been mopped up.Ariaga has been rid of French forces once again.Spanish troops leading the attacks.
The allies are now poised to smash the French forces!!


Patric Strijbis

******intercepted message********

Your highness, my dear brother. All is lost in Spain. The combined Allied forces have destroyed my army. The commander appointed by you for command of the combined Spanish army has let me and my people down in ways in I can't describe. I write this as I am witness to the most horrible events. I'll have given orders to pack my belongings and will leave for Paris as soon as the roads are cleared for travel. The chaos in my kingdom is incredible. Terrorist elements have risen up and are influencing the population to join them. I have no more army to stand up against this behaviour.

(conversation between French commander, count d'erlon and Grouchy, as written down in the memoirs of an ADC)

D'erlon: "There are excellent positions to fall back on behind Vitorio"

French commander: "Yes my count, but Spanish forces are about to cut off those roads. Whatever way you look at this situation, we'll have to fight our way out of this crap position Jourdan has placed us in. Excuses my language"

D'erlon: "This army can't be more than 10.000 men. And they are the worst Wellington has to offer"

French commander: "Don't underestimate them, Sir"

Grouchy: "I don't have the means anymore to fend off their cavalry. There's too many and new troopers have arrived"

French commander: "I know this perfectly well, but we need to get this army to better positions. This means the cavalry will have to give cover. If they break through, chaos is complete and all is lost"

D'erlon: "All IS lost"

French Commander: "Count, those words will catch up with you some time in the future. Not all is lost.....they are reorganising. Gives us time. My option: we'll fight for the city. Let them fight for every street, while the main part of the army slips away"

Grouchy: "Madness"

D'erlon: "And hope that the other divisions arrive. They won't be around untill 6 o' clock"

French Commander: "No, we'll slip away. Fight another day"

Although the French army is severly beat, the fighting continues around Ali. Again the French went forward, hoping to surround the Allied forces. French cavalry is doing it's worst on the plain between Ali and Arrinez, while other units refuse to give up their positions. For them, still there is a spark of hope.

Unknown to those brave fighting men, the Allies army is rallying and might be about to give the decisive blow.


Andy Barnes

The sun beat furiously down on the Spanish troops waiting to cross the River Zaddora near the village of Campo Mayor.Their comrades had payed a high price in establishing a foothold over the other side of the river. Now was the time for revenge on the French defenders who had mercilessly fought off one attack after another.Spanish troops had now taken the village of Betona and now blocked the road to Durana.The French defenders were bieng forced back and were paying the price for their brave defence.The ill-disciplined Spanish Militia showed no mercy and took no prisoners.Everywhere lay dead of the fleeing French troops.The Spanish troops took great pleasure in torturing any French troops who were stupid enough to surrender.Now was the time to avenge their women and children who had suffered under French brutality for so long.Now it was the turn of the French to die cruelly and slowly...

RED arrows =Allied Advance .
YELLOW arrows=Spanish Advance
BLUE lines=French frontline


Allied forces continue to push back French forces near the Town of Vittoria.Allied forces are making progress towards the village of Gomecha and French forces there are in danger of bieng cut off.Fighting has taken place in the outskirts of the village of Zuazo where Spanish troops report the apparent wounding of Div General Gazan.These reports have not yet been confirmed by French forces.Around the towns of Arriaga and Ali the diversionary allied attacks have succeeded in drawing away the main French force and continue to slog it out buying time for the main allied thrust from the west.French forces have now lost over 60,000 casualties at least 140 guns have been destroyed or captured.


Patric Strijbis

"Sweet Lord, where did that come from ?". Just a second ago the hussar walking next to Pierre got hit by a musketball. The poor soul now lay screaming in the middle of a marketsquare in Vittoria. Clearly more shoots were being fired and people were running in all directions. Through the running and screaming mass, Pierre could see some Spanish soldiers taking position across the square. They were kicking in doors or firing into the crowd. Enemy skirmishers had reached the town. Pierre looked around if he could see some French, but the square seemed to be filled with civillians only. With his gun thingyed Pierre ran to the far side of the square, and then towards the Spanish soldiers taking cover from time to time along the houses on that side...


Patric Strijbis

........"How on earth did they get into town ?" Pierre carefully spyed the soldier's movements and decided to move closer to them. A big group of townfolk was now covering his movements. As Pierre crept along the houses, he saw some of the folks greeting the new invaders enthousiasticly. There were loud sheers or chants. A lot of the Vittoriaens had fallen to their knees and were praying or, what it appeared like, pleading to the soldiers. Pierre had been here for a year detached to the local French officials as guard and he knew the townspeople quite well. He knew they were very religious people....and he knew the French weren't very populair. During the battle, he had been on his post. Save in the middle of Vittoria-town, guarding the house of the Prefect. The Spanish soldiers didn't pay much attention to the townpeople. They looked nervous and their officers did all they could to keep their men from looting. Still shoots were fired and thick black smoke was starting to fill the square. Some buildings must have been set on fire. Pierre felt anxious. And scared. He had never in his, not so impressive, millitary career seen any combat. And now he was facing a large band of rebel Spanish forces all by himself. Pierre took a deep breath and then took aim.

"Fall back !!!!! Fall Back !!!!!" "It's hopeless" "We're betrayed" "Curse on you Joseph" "Help me, please will SOMEONE help me" "Ow Lord help us !!" "Jaqueline.." "Lord, I have sinned" "Mother" "Never, I'd rather die" "Run!!" "Run !!!" "Runnnnnnn!!!!!"


Andy Barnes

"Got any bleeding water left Tom?" asked Davie Evans hopefully."NAAW sorry mate,im out,but i do ave a nice spot of Cognac that i took from that bleeding French hofficer this morning!"grinned Tom Watkins wickedly back."Give us a swag pal!"pleaded Evans desperately,"Ill let yuz ave twos up on me missus after the battles over mate,come on you know i will",..."Let me ave ones up and a piece of that craupard sausage you got in your pocket"taunted Watkins....." Your an ard bastard when it comes to haggling Tom,Ok heres the sausage now let me ave a swag." Watkins passed the beautiful silver flask containing fine French Cognac into the grubby hands of his number two Davie Evans....Evans greedily held the flask to his lips and took a long drink of the smooth but firy liquid."aAAAAAgh thats better,one thing about them Frenchies they knows ow to make good booze eh Tom my mate?"....."Aye they does Davie,that poor sod this morning wont be able to agree with me though will he? cackled Watkins hysterically,"If he took a drink it would pour out of his gizzard for it reached his guts haaaaaaaaah ......i did a fine job of slicing the bast..ds throat i did Davie my boy" ....."Haaaah you did too Tom you did too" agreed Evans happily."Best man in the battalion with a blade you are Tom Watkins"..... "Thanks Davie now dont forget i get ones up on your missus you dirty sod"grinned Watkins.
" WATKINS;EVANS ,GET YOUR ARSES OUT OF THAT BARN YOU PAIR OF SCALLYWAGS" bawled Captain Jones of the 95th Rifles.Weve got orders to move out.
" i hates that ponce Jones"cursed Watkins under his breath......"Did you say something Watkins?" Captain Jones inquired visciously. ......."No Sir not me Sir ,time to move out Sir right you are Sir were coming Sir,come on Davie my boy Captain Jones has work for us"grovelled Watkins in a sarcastic voice......"Are you bieng sarcastic Watkins?cos if you are ill have the skin flayed of your filthy back?"
"Me Sir?sarcastic Sir?No Sir never dream of it Sir" replied Watkins in an innocent voice"Comon Davie lets get our arses moving now,(ill kill that bastard before the battles over i will)whispered Watkins to Evans.
"RIFLES" bawled Captain Jones "MOVE OUT" be continued

Allied forces have consolidated their gains in the epic struggle against the French forces of King Joseph of Spain.French troops are falling back on all fronts.Spanish troops have made rapid gain of ground on the French right flank.Unconfirmed reports tell of Spanish troops bieng in the town of Vittoria!!


Patric Strijbis

The British light dragoon swung his sword towards Capt. Sparre's chest, missed, and got ready for another stab. The Capitain's left hand was racing over his holsters. In a reflex they found the wooden grip. He drew the gun and fired in immidiatly towards the direction of the dragoon's horse. The poor animal jumped up, bringing his rider off balance and fell to earth. A second dragoon slammed his horse against the flank of Sparre's and was hitting the capitain over the head with the back of his sword. Sparre drew his second gun and aimed better this time, firing a shoot straight into the dragoons chest. The man fell forward and Sparre captured the dragoon's sword without much effort. Armed with a sword again he spurred his horse but didn't get far. About 50 frantic French dragoons blocked his path, falling back in all haste. Cursing he tried to get them to order, but none would stop at his command. He turned his horse and looked at the British line. English troopers were falling back in disorder, but in the intervals between the squardrons he could see serveral canons. "Merde!!". But he was too late. A roar took over any sound and Sparre could feel a hot breeze just before he and his horse exploded in a red cloud.

Pierre burst through the kitchen door, making one of the washing ladies scream all hysterical, and sprinted to the backroom door. It was locked. Pierre looked around if he could find anything to open it with. He ignored the frightend stares of the two washing ladies and got a large fire-poke from by the fireplace. He crammed in between the door and the wall and threw all his weight on it. The door opened with a loud crack. Within seconds Pierre was inside the backroom and looked around. It was pretty dark inside and Pierre made his way stumbling around untill his eyes were adjusted. On the back wall he opened a tall cupboard. His least the only arsenal he knew was around. A small barrel of gunpowder, two pistols and 4 rifles of which one looked pretty mediaval. And musketballs. Pierre started to load the pistols and re-load his rifle, spilling much of the gunpowder on the floor. After he had filled his pockets with balls, he looked around for something to hold the powder in. He had no paper or any sack. Frustrated he headed into the kichen again, but fell back quickly as two Spanish soldiers went by the kitchen window. Pierre thingyed one of the pistols and took another look into the kitchen. He could see one soldier still by the window. More alarming were the footsteps he could hear coming from the hallway. They made their way to the kitchen. Pierre looked back into the backroom. He was trapped. No windows there. He looked into the kitchen again. The soldier was still there, the footsteps became louder. Pierre could feel his heartbeat thundering through his body. He closed his eyes for a second or two and then steped into the kitchen. With the first pistol he shot the soldier by the window. The gun exploded and hissed from all the lose powder on it. Pierre's ears went numb and the smoke and exploding gunpowder blacked his face. A man appeared from the hallway and fired a shot into the kitchen without taking aim. A second one appeared, but he soon got ran over by the two panic strucken washing ladies. Pierre took aim with the second pistol and shot the first Spanish soldier. He then fell back into the backroom again and slammed the door.

The French army is fighting a desperate struggle against overwhelming odds. On all fronts the Allies are closing in. Is there still a way for the French to turn the tide ??


Andy Barnes

The French gunners in front of the village of Arriaga had been serving their "Beau Filles" well throughout the day.
They had smashed all the attempts by the British Portuguese and Spanish troops to breakout from the foothold they precariously held on the banks of the Zadorra River.An artillery Sargeant skirted water into his parched mouth from his canteen.His men had shown the red devils how to fight.They had even decimated the Elite Guards of Wellesleys Army.They were invincible in this potion.They had destroyed 6 Spanish guns in counter-battery fire due the past couple of hours and the allied advance before them had broken down.The rumbling sound of galloping horses to his right suddenly caught his attention.He turned to his right expecting to see a freindly Dragoon unit returning from the defences at Gamora Mayora scene of heavy fighting against Spanish forces.His eyes widened with horror as he witnessed the charging fury of Spanish Dragoons and Lancers as they crashed into the neighbouring battery of guns to his right."Turn the guns for god sake turn the guns" screamed the Sargeant in terror.He knew it was too late...............
Spanish forces have smashed four batterys of French artillery on the French right flank near the town of Arriaga.A total of around 32 guns were captured or destroyed.British forces have begun a massive attack on the shrinking French left.reports of 2000 French dead and 500 Dragoons have not yet been confirmed.


Andy Barnes

French forces today surrendered at the battlefield of Vittoria.King Joseph fled the battlefield and left his men to die.Commander of the French forces the gallant General Patric Stribjis met with General Barnes who accepted his surrender on behalf of Sir Arthur Wellesley
The carnage on the battlefield was staggering.
God save the King
and weldone to General Stribjis on his excellent gamesmanship.


Patric Strijbis

(Yes, ladies and gentlemen. It's no use to continue this slaughter. Although I think I could pull off a better result, it would serieusly decrease the fun of this game. It would have been a Stalingrad, except it's Vittoria. With pain in my heart I depart from this army which I learned to love the last couple of months. It's a great battle and I wish I knew when I started this what I know now........and that is that this battle can be won by a French player....

Mr Barnes and I are planning a next epic, we'll keep you guys posted. And the allies will have a bit more of a problem there. I promise...)

The echo of the French commander's footsteps thundered through the empty hallway. An palace official opened a grand door at the end of the hallway with a nodd of his head and the commander stepped into a large office like space. The door closed again with a soft "poef".

On the far side of the office, deep in shadows, a figure looked, what appeared, straight at him. The commander made a bow.

"Spain is lost due to your workings"

The commander swallowed.

"Spain is our natural friend"
"It's history"
"They hate English as much as we do"

The French commander walked slowly towards the desk. He folded his hands behind his back and stuck out his chest. His eyes were looking at the ground.

"Tomorrow, you will go to Germany, together with a part of the newly formed elements of The Young Guard you will march to the rhine. You will report to Marmont. "

"Now get out of my face....."


The End

Copyright 2004

 Andy Barnes (Anglo-allies) & Patric Strijbis (France)

Game: Peninsular War (NIA-Engine) / Scenario: Vittoria


Andy Barnes

Heavy Fighting is reported near Vittoria at the village of Magarita! Units of the 95th Rifles are being sorely pressed by a massive French counter attack, led by the cunning French commander "Patric Stribjis". The Rifles are holding under severe pressure and have recieved and inflicted heavy casualties.Well posistioned French cannon is making speedy movement by Allied forces under General "Andy Barnes" heavy going. The battle is on a knife edge and casualties on both sides are mounting rapidly.

Storming the battery


Patric Strijbis

Meanwhile on the plateau before Vitoria, in a square of Italians, the French commander looks up from his binoculars and looks worried. A big red mass is moving towards the village...! How long can those colums stand the beating they are receiving right now ? And what is happening on the right...? More Spanish forces? Are the allies going to cut the postal road back to Paris ?


Andy Barnes

The Fighting continues...! Spanish gain foothold on village of Ali! ...French guns overrun by Spanish Cavalry. Can the French HOLD the Center??

Spanish Troop concentrations on French right flank. Heavy troop-movement expected.

House to house fighting at the village of Ali reported by local peasants fleeing through the town of Vittoria! French Dragoons were seen to be routed by Spanish troops who surprised the dismounted horsemen as they were tending the wounded of a fleeing French line battalion.

The village of Cobea appears to be firmly in British hands.Rumours that the Divisional Commander General Villatte is missing in action have not yet been confirmed by French sources!!!
Commander Strijbis of the French Army has placed a solid defence in front of the towns of Margarita and Villodas.

Meanwhile Spanish Cavalry has once again proved the British critics wrong and has in two seperate incidents charged heavily defended gun posistions and slaughtered the gunners.The Guns were spiked and horses and casons destroyed.Portuguese forces are moving in on the French defensive line to the southeast of Villodas!!Heavy French counter attack at Magarita.

Staff Cavalry of Wellington destroyed by French forces in a heroic fight to the death !!
Reports of locals of French attrocities on the civilian population have not been confirmed by Allied HQ.
A spokesman for the "Iron Duke" commented..."Any French or for that matter Allied offenders of injustices against the civilian population will be severely dealt with and can expect the maximum penalty for their doings"


Patric Strijbis

...A courier in an torn uniform speeds towards the French commandpost.

"Sir, I'll have to report Generale Villatte has been caputed by the enemy, Sir ! Elements of the 4th and 6th division have been destroyed or are fleeing in all directions!!!".

Indeed the situation around Ali seems to get more serious. A couple of brigades are holding on desperatly, but will be overwhelmed soon by the masses of Allied troops pooring onto the plain west of the village. The French commander directs his binoculairs towards Margarita. The situation seems stable. Seems...

"Sir", remarks an ADC,while he ducks away for a stray bullet, "that looks like the British Heavy cavalry!!!!!!!!."


Andy Barnes

The fighting continues around the town of Vittoria! French troops have put up a stubborn defence against British Portuguese and Spanish troops.
Heavy fighting has taken place in the vicinity of the town of Arriaga, British troops launched a costly offensive through an olive orchard ...although at first successful the second wave were fought to a standstill by French?? Troops casualties were high. Scorching heat making the going difficult.

Spanish troops have inflicted serious casualties on their opponents at the town of Gamara Mayor. A bridgehead across the river was achieved! The arrival of British artillery in support has put fire into the Spanish troops hearts. The small town of Ali and once French HQ has fallen firmly into allied hands. Fighting around the town has been incredible brutal and many have died on both sides. Meanwhile the Spanish cavalry mentioned in an earlier report has ransacked two supply wagons!!!

A successful cavalry charge

Unfortunaly or fortunately one of them was full of Fine french Cognac...the Spaniards were last seen reeling in their saddles singing "Ole im off to sunny Spain ..E Viva L`Espana". A number of officers were seen to be doing "The birdie dance" while tickling the French wagon drivers with their sabres. At Magarita the heavy house to house fighting continues.......French cavalry have recieved heavy casualties


Patric Strijbis cognac....that really, really, really hurts !!!!!!




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